RIDE 66: Mache radsport zur täglichen Routine
Ride 66 ist unser Gruppen-Coaching, das dich in den Flow bringt und Radfahren zu einer täglichen Gewohnheit macht.
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Coaching-Programmen bekommst du nicht einfach nur einen Trainingsplan verschrieben – du wirst als begeisterter Fahrer wachsen, eigene Trainingseinheiten erstellen, die zu 100% in deinen Tagesablauf passen, globale Freundschaften aufbauen und eine neuen Perspektive auf das, was im Leben möglich ist, gewinnen.
Warum bei Ride 66 mitmachen?
Wolltest du schon immer täglich Radsport machen, hast es aber irgendwann aufgegeben?
Bist du überfordert von der Intensität deiner Trainingspläne, frustriert von konkurrierenden Zielen und widersprüchlichen Strategien, die es im Radsport gibt?
Hast du an Coaching-Programmen teilgenommen, aber fühlst dich jetzt festgefahren?
Mühst du dich bei den Trainingsrunden ab, zählst die Stunden im Sattel oder kommst nicht schnell genug voran?
Hast du viele Ideen rund um das Thema Radfahren, aber Schwierigkeiten, die richtigen Leute um dich herum zu finden?
Ertappst du dich dabei, wie du Renntermine oder Fahrradabenteuer durchgehst, aber deine Pläne nie in die Tat umsetzt?
Die Hindernisse, die du überwinden musst, um endlich in den Fluss zu kommen
Alle leidenschaftlichen Radfahrer stehen vor denselben 10 Problemen:
Wenn du dies liest, kann es sein, dass eines (oder mehrere) dieser Probleme dich nachts wach hält (und dich davon abhält, jeden Tag zu trainieren).
Und wahrscheinlich weisst du auch, dass du anders trainieren solltest – deshalb bist du ja überhaupt auf dieser Seite.
Ob es darum geht, deine geistige und körperliche Gesundheit zu verbessern, den nächsten Radmarathon mit Anstand zu beenden oder dir zu helfen, dein Leben ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen – Radsport ist etwas, das schon länger auf deiner Liste steht
Die Verbindlichkeit, die du vermisst hast
Vielleicht hast du schon einmal ein Coaching-Programm für Radsportler ausprobiert. Aber immer wieder fällst du zurück. Irgendetwas kommt dazwischen. Was spannend beginnt, wird zu schwierig. Und ehe du dich versiehst, stehst du wieder am Anfang.
Das liegt daran, dass es keine Verbindlichkeit gab.
Du hast versucht, auf eigene Faust mit dem Radsport zu beginnen, und warst von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Aber Ride 66 löst dieses Problem. Du schließt dich einer Gruppe von anderen Radsportlern an, die alle das gleiche Ziel haben wie du: dich für den Radsport zu begeistern und dich kontinuierlich zu verbessern, ohne unter dem Druck zu stehen, nur einen Plan zu erfüllen, den jemand anderes für dich geschrieben hat.
Das schafft eine Verbindlichkeit, wie du sie noch nie erlebt hast.
Schlechte Trainings-Gewohnheiten abbauen
im Kopf
Viele talentierte Radsportler denken, dass man endlose Stunden im Sattel verbringen muss. Sie sehen Schmerzen als Indikator für Erfolg. Das ist es aber nicht. Wir haben gelernt, dass wir das Gleichgewicht suchen, wenn uns eine Aktivität auf die Probe stellt: Wenn Erfolg möglich ist, aber nicht garantiert. Das bedeutet, dass wir nicht überambitioniert sind, sondern uns zu 100% auf den Prozess des Radfahrens konzentrieren und darin eintauchen.
Sobald du einen Trainingstag auslässt, fällt es dir am nächsten Tag noch leichter, wieder zu schwänzen. Wenn du genug Tage hintereinander auslässt, vergisst du, dass du jemals eine tägliche Trainingsroutine hattest. Der Einstieg (oder der «Wiedereinstieg») ist für Radfahrer/innen der schwierigste Teil.
Warst du jemals so sehr von persönlichen Ängsten und Wettbewerbsdruck getrieben, dass du angefangen hast, das Radfahren zu hassen? Das ist eine der häufigsten Herausforderungen unter Hobbyradsportlern. Sie machen sich beim Training so viele Gedanken darüber, was alles schiefgehen kann, dass sie das Rennen oder das grosse Abenteuer, für das sie trainiert haben, nicht genießen können.
Hör auf, ins Leere zu radeln
The biggest mistake keen cyclists make?
Training for weeks and months into the void. In the beginning, you think you know what you want to ride for, and you think you know how to reach your goal.
But newsflash: you don't. With this assumption, novice cyclists get caught in a sloth-like feedback loop that makes purposeful cycling impossible.
Instead, in your training, you want to get as CLOSE as possible to the real event that you train for, to already FEEL the event itself.
By completing enough rides in a row, you will know exactly WHY you train and WHAT you train FOR.
And by leveraging platform algorithms like our energetics tool, you get immediate feedback on your cycling.
Complete 66 flow rides in 66 days
Starting to ride once a week is the worst thing you can do if you want to get into the flow.
Just sitting on a bike for a few hours because you think structured training is for the pros only?
No thanks. Instead, you should start with small units every day.
Short, single workouts that can be completed in less than one hour – ideally on a route that you take anyway, e.g. as part of your morning routine, on your way to work, or substituting a walk during your lunch break.
And instead of riding weekly, you should get on the bike every single day – ideally, without spending additional time – for 66 days.
During Ride 66, you’ll develop 66 short and joyful workouts that make your new daily routine.
You wonder why 66 days?
Well, there’s some research behind this. Phillippa Lally is a health psychology researcher at University College London.
In a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, Lally and her research team figured out just how long it actually takes to form a habit.
The answer? On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.
Here Is How It Works
Learn The Fundamentals Of Flow Cycling
On the surface, Ride 66 is a group coaching program helping you to create a cycling routine to master your cycling goals with ease.
Upon joining, you'll unlock a monthly curriculum packed with frameworks that guarantee you become a prolific cyclist.
Weekly Live Sessions covering everything you need to know when it comes to cycling, and to build the Ride 66 community
The foundation of Ride 66 – our 60-minute live sessions, including Q&A sessions to cover all your questions. These aren't your normal boring Zoom calls.
These are immersive learning experiences you will be thrilled to attend.
We pack many golden nuggets of cycling into these sessions, including guests that are international experts in their fields. Successful cyclists, leading yogi and therapists, flow experts – you'll leave feeling inspired, energized, and excited to ride.
And no worries if you miss the live sessions – we take detailed show notes with replays, clips, chat transcripts, and more
10 Ride 66 training modules to dig deeper into the frameworks introduced in the live sessions (over 10 hours of recording plus training materials you have access to forever)
Many of you like to dig deeper into the topics. So we also created an immersive video and text-based curriculum that pairs nicely with our Live Sessions. Crammed into these modules are loads of the latest, mind-opening scientific research.
Plan AND realize your specific cycling routine
Within the first days of joining Ride 66, you will find your real cycling goal.
Based on this, we will develop a cycling routine that fits your daily rhythm and helps you to achieve your goal without pressure, tuned to your surroundings.
This will demolish every problem that has kept you from cycling consistently in the past.
We will walk you step by step through how to build an effective cycling habit, how to find time in your busy day to ride, and provide you with the little tools you need to keep track of your developments.
Weekly Q&A sessions to reinforce everything you have learned
The number one thing holding cyclists back?
Their ideas – whether they have no clue how to spend their time on the bike effectively, or they have way too many things they simply want to try out.
No matter how many things you have in your mind, we will solve them in our Q&A sessions that are part of our weekly calls.
All questions solved in the group, it will be 100x harder not to ride than to simply practice every day – and that's the point.
BONUS ACCESS to energetisch.fit
Let's face it... chances are, you're getting in your own way. You know you should go out on your bike, but there's dozens of small beliefs & habits that are keeping you from putting yourself out there.
So, we cooperate with the guys at energetisch.fit and developed a specific cycling application that will support you on your mental and physical journey, making you stronger in achieving your mental goal.
This small daily meditation costs you 5-10 minutes per day, and will support you in staying in flow by resolving internal blockages.
One that makes your perfectionism, procrastination, and fear of being judged (the 3 most common mindset problems), a thing of the past.
Ride 66 Overview, Curriculum, and Schedule
Course schedule:
Live Sessions: each Thursday, 20:00-21:00 CET via Zoom
Recorded Sessions: whenever feels right for you!
All live sessions are documented with full recordings, chat transcripts, and detailed show notes for those that can't attend live.
Live Session #1: Adopting The Mindset Of A Flow Cyclist
Live Session #2: Cycling Goals And Purpose
Live Session #3: Structuring Your Personal 60 Minutes Workout
Live Session #4: Deep Dive In Energetics And Beliefs
Live Session #5: Deep Dive In Training With A Power Meter
Live Session #6: Deep Dive In Yoga For Cyclists
Live Session #7: Deep Dive In Nutrition On And Off The Bike
Live Session #8: Deep Dive In Connecting To Nature
Live Session #9: Deep Dive In Cycling Challenges And Competitions
Live Session #10: Deep Dive in Reflection Practices
Weekly Live Sessions covering everything you need to know when it comes to cycling, and to build the Ride 66 community
10 Ride 66 training modules to dig deeper into the frameworks introduced in the live sessions (video recordings plus training materials you have access to forever)
Plan AND realize your specific cycling routine, including all necessary templates and examples (that will save you hours of headache in the future, e.g. when it comes to building a training plan or tracking progress)
Weekly Q&A sessions to reinforce everything you've learned (and make sure nobody gets left behind)
BONUS ACCESS to the energetisch.fit program – a daily meditation enriched with a unique energy field analysis that releases and energetically processes mental and physical blockages by algorithm, wrapped in a piece of music.
frequently asked questions
Other cycling training packages charge upwards of $150 per month to provide you with a training plan and limited personal interaction.
But our goal with Ride 66 is to keep it accessible while still charging enough to keep you accountable.
The monthly price of the course is CHF 66 – limited offer!
Absolutely! And what a tremendous gift indeed.
To do so, simply enroll using your email address.
Then, send an email to "hartmut@integral-cycling.cc" with the subject line GIFT TRANSFER REQUEST and we will send you further instructions.
Life is busy. We know you neither have time, nor want to ride all day.
We will develop effective workouts and routines so that you will spend no more than 60 minutes cycling every day.
But this 60 minute habit of daily cycling is the highest leverage habit in cycling history.
On top of the daily cycling, there is an (optional) live session per week (on Thursdays) as well as a self-paced 10-step curriculum.
On the surface, it might look like this is just an accountability group.
And if you've read through this entire landing page and still think that... I'm not sure what to tell you.
Because Ride 66 is an immersive, cohort-based course and community that uses the 66-day habit-building routine model to make sure you take action.
Well... you could. And I encourage you to try it! Because if it works for you, great!
But chances are, you've tried training on your own before. We have collected and evaluated most recent research so that we are able to provide you with the aggretated cycling knowledge in a very time-efficient way, plus the plus the team experience together with others....
We think the CHF 66 per month is well worth it.
Then Ride 66 is the right place for you, too. Ride 66 is designed for beginner cyclists as well as experienced riders who want to develop and secure a habit. You will develop flow independent of the fitness and performance level you start with.
You will learn in a few weeks what takes most riders years to learn.
Don't worry, you don’t need to invest a lot in new equipment. We recommend to have a well-functioning roadbike or mountainbike plus heart-rate monitor. If you have a smart trainer at home, or a power meter installed to your bike, this allows precise routines and guarantees best use of time, but it’s not a must to have.
During the onboarding week, we’ll make you familiar with the different online tools and technologies we will use.
We do our best to accommodate every time zone. At the moment we scheduled the sessions in the evenings of CET. On request, we will also found a live group in the Asian time zone.
If you can't attend a live session, we record each of them and distribute them with detailed show notes, chat transcripts, and everything you could possibly need to soak the learnings out of them.
Yes – in fact, you might be at an advantage.
Ride 66 presents a new way of thinking about cycling – a way of thinking you're not familiar with.
And once you see these frameworks, you can apply them to the cycling you're already doing.
As a result, you'll make a quantum leap in your cycling indicators, all within a few weeks.
You will have access to the course materials FOREVER
This includes all asynchronous video and learning materials.
Stop overthinking.
Start your cycling habit now.
Integral Cycling: Get the flow!
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